Game Enviroment Built In Unity
Video: Video teaser with sound
Video: Game enviroment walking around in firts person
This is a school project that 6 people has worked on for about 2 month with 20h per week. The idea was to make a kind of rework of the famous and very old textbased game Mysteryhouse. The goal was to make a videoteaser. The first video is the teaser and the second video just shows the whole enviroment of the sceen that was built for that in game mode.
The things that we didn't create ourselfs is free and downloaded from Unity Assetstore.
the things we downloaded is the skybox, the trees, the fog, the particle effect(that we edited), the fire, the lamps, the flowerpots. the rest is made by us. My job in this was to design this with the group and then I was the one modeling everything in maya.
The programs used for the whole project was: Microsoft Visual Studios, Unity 5.5.1, Autodesk Maya 2016, Adobe Photoshop 2015, OBS studios, Audacity, Quixel SUITE 2.0, Adobe after effects, Fuse.
Hanna: Art Director + Game designer
Ellinor: Game Designer + lite Engineer
Ebba: Creative Director
Eric: Executive Technical Director
Sofia: Technical Director(Programmer)
Knut: Ljud Director/Lead Artist