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2D Gravity Platform Game

A game made in the course SPM, (Datorspelutvecklings at SU, DSV) year 2 made by Hanna Wikborg, Eric Olofsson, Ellinor Granlund, Sofia Ländin, Ebba Bergman Thomson och Knut svanfeldt

It is a 2D platformer game where the gravitation is the key.

Navigate with wasd and jump with space.

You turn your gravitation upside down in the blue sparkling portals in the ground. The fun thing is that your momentum follows you in and out the portals and can therefore make very interesting gameplay. There are lots of more elements like the red parts that if you stay on them you take damage, The glittery 45 degree turned flying cube is checkpoints,the the violet moving cube with a green spot is enemies with a weak spot, walls with a rotated cube in them are walls that u can unlock with a key hidden somewhere in the level. After level 1 we introduce elements like in lvl 1 but harder until the final level where you get to fight the boss.

HUB Level


Gravity portals

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